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Work-Love-Balance: How To Balance Job And Relationship

Overtime, business trips, working on weekends - working can be a real relationship killer. Especially if you and your partner have different working hours or different ideas about living and spending your free time together. And even with singles, the job often gets in the way of active dating. Here you can find out what you can do to reconcile your professional- and love-life!

14 February 2022
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Overtime, business trips, working on weekends - working can be a real relationship killer. Especially if you and your partner have different working hours or different ideas about living and spending your free time together. And even with singles, the job often gets in the way of active dating. Here you can find out what you can do to reconcile your professional- and love-life!

Overtime and shift work

The challenge: Overtime. It’s probably the number one relationship killer in professional life. Especially in case they are unplanned or occur regularly. After all, we all understand when our partner must work longer hours spontaneously or every now and then. But when unplanned extra work becomes the norm, it can lead to disappointment and frustration on both sides. So, make sure you keep an eye on your workload and learn to say "no" when something needs to be done quickly just before the end of the day. And the most important thing: Treat appointments with your partner with the same priority as professional appointments! Because no one wants to be constantly moved or put on the back burner - especially not the people to whom we mean the most.

We face similar challenges when our working hours are different from those of our partners. For example, if we frequently need to work until late in the evening, but can sleep in the next day, while our partner must leave early in the morning but is already home in the afternoon. Or if our partner has a classic five-day week at work, but we ourselves regularly work weekends.

The solution: As a self-employed customer service agent at yoummday, you can create your own shift schedule so that you don't get into such awkward situations in the first place. This way, you can determine your working hours individually, adapt them to your life together and communicate them clearly to your partner. This way, you both know exactly when and how long you work and the time you spend together after work belongs to you!

Way to work and business trips

The challenge: Even if you don't have to work overtime in your job, you lose a lot of time in your relationship if you must commute a long way to work every day or frequently go on business trips. If you come home late every day or are regularly away from home for several days or even weeks, this can put a strain on your relationship in the long run and cause you and your partner to drift further and further apart.

The solution: As a customer service talent at yoummday, you work 100% from your home office. This saves you long commuting times and guarantees that you won't have to make any business trips. For you and your partner, this means that your time together can begin as soon as you get off work - and not only after you've fought your way home through rush hour traffic.

Home Office Conflicts

The challenge: But conflicts can also arise when working at home - especially when both partners work in a home office, either temporarily or permanently. Because as important as time together is - during working hours we have to focus on our job. And we need to do this without distracting each other and without getting in each other's way.

The solution: At yoummday, it is a requirement to have your private room/office that can be locked so that you can use it by yourself during working hours. This way, you can stay efficient and focused on the job, without conflicts arising in your life together, and enjoy your time together all the more afterwards.

You want more time for your relationship? A job as an independent talent at yoummday offers you the ideal framework to consciously shape your life together and enjoy your time together! Sign up today - free of charge and without obligation at yoummday!

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