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Christmas Time Is Shopping Time: Tips For Customer Service During Peak Time

Advent is the most contemplative time of the year? Not for customer service agents! Christmas shopping, special Christmas deals and gift returns get everyone's lines burning around the turn of the year. Here's how to keep you cool during this hot period and even profit from the busy times.

Advent is the most contemplative time of the year? Not for customer service agents! We have tips for customer service during peak time.
14 December 2021
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Black Friday and Cyber Monday are barely over and the real action begins: the Christmas business is now in full swing. For retailers, that means big crowds in local stores and 400 to 600 percent more online traffic. But it's not just department stores and online stores that are running at full speed - you also have your hands full in customer service. Many people have questions about products, offers and promotions, or want to know whether their parcels will arrive on time. And there's no respite after Christmas Eve either, because that's when the big gift exchange begins: A full 28% of customers return at least one gift (as of 2017). And many of them have questions about the conditions - which in turn end up at customer service.

But don't worry: We'll tell you how to stay calm and relaxed during this peak period and even put the increased volume of inquiries to work for you.

Tip 1: For family people

You want to have a few days off before, during or after Christmas to visit relatives, celebrate with your family and friends or simply treat yourself to some peace and quiet after all the hustle and bustle? You more than deserve it! At yoummday, as an independent talent in customer service, you are completely free to schedule your shifts and vacations. That means you can decide for yourself whether you want to take time off over the holidays and how long it should be. This gives you enough time to put your personal Christmas plans into action and recharge your batteries so that you can throw yourself into the Christmas rush before and after the holidays full of motivation.

Tip 2: For the clever ones

You don't have much time for Advent or don't celebrate Christmas at all? Then simply turn the tables and use the hectic time and the increased volume of orders to put in a few extra shifts! This way you can efficiently increase your workload and earn more. And when things calm down again and the others slowly come back from their Christmas vacation, you can relax and reduce your hours again or take a few days off to compensate.

Tip 3: For real Christmas fans

You love the pre-Christmas season and would love to go on vacation for the whole of Advent? Then get into the Christmas spirit at your workplace, for example with gingerbread, homemade cookies or non-alcoholic punch for the break or in between. You can also decorate your desk for Christmas and take a little time out before or after your working hours to consciously enjoy Advent. For example, with candlelight, Christmas music - and of course with our yoummday Advent calendar: Because on our social media channels we open a new door every day! You can expect a total of 24 surprises with great prizes, helpful tips and exciting insights. So check back every day and experience a happy Advent season together with us!

No matter if and how you celebrate Christmas: yoummday always offers you the right framework for your plans and your personal life situation with 100 percent self-determined time management - at peak time around the turn of the year and the whole year. Register today for free and without obligation - at!

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