Which Type of Communicator Are You?
The types of communication in good customer service are very diverse and technological development has played its part. But not everyone likes all those options the same – most of us have clear strengths or preferences in this regard. At yoummday, you will always find the right project for you – no matter if you like to communicate by phone, email or live chat!

Imagine that there is a professional matter that you urgently need to address. Do you write an email first? Or will you grab the phone right away to reach the person you want to talk to? Don’t worry, this isn’t a trick question. Both answers are absolutely correct. Especially in a professional context, many of us have clear preferences when it comes to communicating via the phone or email. How we prefer to approach people is primarily a matter of our individual type. Find out now which communication type you are and which field of customer service suits you best!
The phone type
You love to engage in conversation and always find the right words spontaneously? Even with strangers, relaxed conversations in a professional setting are no problem for you? You are always friendly and considerate – even if your counterpart is not? Spelling, on the other hand, is not necessarily one of your strengths? In this case, the field of telephony is right for you! There is only one question left: Do you like to call customers yourself? Yes? In that case, you’re perfect for outbound calls! Do you prefer to take calls instead? If so, inbound work is ideal for you!
The chat type
You don’t like to talk on the phone, but you’re still fast and spontaneous? Your fingers dance across the keyboard, and spelling is second nature to you? Welcome to customer service via live chat – the perfect field of activity for everyone who likes to handle their customers’ requests rapidly and directly, but are not always able to find the right tone of voice in a personal conversation or are sometimes a little uncertain.
The email type
Are you calm, level-headed and an expert at spelling? Are you usually more introverted in conversations with people you don’t know, but do you find it easy to write coherent texts? If so, let’s go: The “Customer Service via Email” field is already waiting for you! Here, you will answer your customers’ inquiries promptly via email. Unlike in other fields, this doesn’t have to be done in a matter of seconds – but it is about accuracy, good wording and flawless spelling!
The sales type
You like to openly approach new people and got a healthy dose of self-confidence, are very persuasive? In that case, you are a real sales talent! With this gift, you are perfect for the field of sales. Here, you will approach customers proactively, to inform them about new products and services – with the goal of selling them.
The jack-of-all-trades
Für Dich gibt es kein Entweder-oder, denn Du bist sowohl schriftlich als auch mündlich souverän in jeder Situation? Du kannst längere Texte fehlerfrei formulieren, sofort auf Kurznachrichten reagieren und spontan zum Hörer greifen? Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Denn dann bist Du ein:e echte Allrounder:in! Im Kundenservice bist Du damit in jedem Einsatzgebiet zu Hause. Am besten suchst Du Dir daher gleiche mehrere verschiedene Projekte heraus, in denen unterschiedliche Fähigkeiten gefragt sind. Oder Du setzt auf Allround-Projekte, in denen all Deine Skills gleichermaßen zum Einsatz kommen!
Select communication type & get started!
You now know what type of communicator you are and which field of customer service suits you best? What are you waiting for?! Sign up today – free of charge and without obligations at yoummday.com!