Outsourcing Solutions

Freelancers Are Happier!

Why more and more people are becoming self-reliant – and which advantages it has. A study shows: People who work independently are happier in their professional lives. This is due to their work allowing them more liberties and benefits. The step to go freelance is often easier than you think.

These advantages and freedoms are offered by freelance work
26 May 2021
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Every other person has considered becoming a freelancer at least once. This was found in a study conducted by the Forsa Institute on behalf of the Xing-platform HalloFreelancer.

This is a development with future potential, since the majority of adolescents are often considering self-employment. And for good reason: Ultimately many people are disappointed by the job market’s conditions, and try to realise their ideas independently: successfully. The survey also shows that freelancers are more satisfied with their career than hired employees. And the same is true for yoummday talents: their NPS scores are substantially higher than those of traditional call center agents.

New work, new me – The value change in the labour market

Another reason more people want to become self-employed is due to the value change in the job market. Whereas security was previously a crucial factor in choosing a career, nowadays flexibility, independence and the joy of doing something you like are more important. Besides, only a few companies can now offer long-term prospects. Short-term contracts have long since become the norm for young professionals.

The “Freelancing” model fulfil the new preferences best due to it offering independence, free time management and working from home. However, many companies will continue to insist on personal presence and fixed working hours. Whether you would rather be hired or work independently is for you alone to decide. Something that is deemed beneficial for one person can be considered a drawback for another, and vice versa.

Salaried or self-employed? Individual case – and a question of self-organisation!

As a freelancer a high amount of self-organisation and motivation are vital. When you prefer to work freely and independently then you would do better as a freelancer. However, even if you need a dictated structure, fixed office hours, and clear instructions you can still learn to be self-reliant whilst creating the right environment yourself: Get up at a fixed time, dress and show up to work – this can also be applied to home office and is in many cases an advantage!

Many people hesitate nevertheless, when it comes to take that final step to becoming self-employed. However, you don’t necessarily need to jump into the deep end. It is possible to try it out first and then gradually proceed to become more independent step by step. If you want to play it safe at the beginning, do freelance work part-time. For example, reduce a few hours at your old job.

Many roads lead to self-employment

Even the big leap into freelancing is easier than you’d first imagine. As a freelance, you don’t have to start from zero. In most cases, your former contacts become your first clients. Your customer network will most likely then grow itself through referrals. Freelance portals are also a good way to get commissions, gain experience, and easily and quickly establish you as a freelancer. In most cases, a smaller, but fixed client base is sufficient.

Yoummday allows you to register non-binding and for free at yoummday.com. If you like working as a call agent you can even work exclusively for yoummday. This allows you to enjoy the freedom of freelancing, while still working regularly with fixed conditions. It’s the perfect mix of flexibility and security.

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