8 Tips for the Perfect Sales Pitch
As an international platform for customer service, at yoummday, we value perfection above all else. Professional communication over the phone is highly complex and requires talent, experience and instinct. Here, you will learn what makes the perfect sales pitch for us!
Step 1: “The first impression counts!”Step 2: “Smile!”Step 3: “Up and down!”Step 4: “Not so fast”Step 5 “Listen!”Step 6: “Speak the same language as your customers”Step 7: “Speak vividly”Step 8: “Stay committed”Making a good sales call is like driving a car: To move ahead and reach your destination safely, you always have to consider and do several things at once. Behind the wheel, this would be steering, engaging the clutch, using the indicator and keeping your eyes on the road. In a call, this means: Appearing approachable, polite and friendly, paying attention to your voice pitch and speed of speech, reacting spontaneously and empathetically to the person you are talking to – and of course always keeping the goal of your conversation and your project in mind. But let’s start at the beginning.
Step 1: “The first impression counts!”
This is true in customer service as well as real life. The first few seconds decide if the person you talk to thinks you are likeable and competent. Make sure to pay attention to how you start a conversation. For inbound projects, greet your customers in a friendly and open way, and then listen to them attentively. During outbound calls, present your message clearly and understandably.
In any case, make sure not to overwhelm your customers and don’t simply speed through your greeting as a matter of routine. Instead, use it deliberately to start the conversation and create a good baseline.
Step 2: “Smile!”
Sure, your customers can’t see you over the phone. But they can still hear a smile. Maybe not in the literal sense, but if you smile, you automatically sound open-minded, approachable and friendly – and your customers will immediately feel it.
Step 3: “Up and down!”
This doesn’t mean the course of the conversation, but your pitch of voice. If you talk too monotonously, your customers will think they are speaking to a computer voice. Pay attention to emphasis and variety in your voice pitch, for example by slightly raising your pitch at the end of a sentence. But don’t overdo it! The trick is to appear neither bored nor overexcited. The best way to achieve this is to remain authentic and natural.
Step 4: “Not so fast”
You know your project to a T – but your customers don’t. Make sure you always speak slowly and clearly so that the person on the other end of the line can follow, and leave some room for questions. It is also important to find the right balance in the speed of your speech because if you speak too slowly, your customers may not feel taken seriously.
Our tip:
As yourself: How would you explain your job to good friends who have never heard of customer service? Most likely at eye level, in simple, understandable words and with a lot of patience and understanding for queries. Perfect! You already have the right tempo and the right tone for your sales pitch!
Step 5 “Listen!”
Listening is almost even more important than speaking. Be attentive, let the other person know that you understand and agree with what he or she is saying, ask specific questions without interrupting, and take notes if necessary. Once your customers have explained their question or concern, summarize the most important points to let them know you listened to them and to make sure you understood everything correctly!
Step 6: “Speak the same language as your customers”
In this case, this doesn’t mean German, Polish or Portuguese, but the speech register your customers use to communicate. If someone uses very formal and selective language, you should also use formal language. If someone speaks more colloquially, you can also speak a little more freely – as long as you remain professional! In addition, pick up some of your customers’ specific wording and use them in your conversations with them. This shows them that you understood them right. Of course, you shouldn’t overdo it.
If you notice similarities between you and your customers during your conversation, for example, that you’re from the same region or have the same hobbies, mention it! This creates sympathy and takes the conversation to a more personal level.
Step 7: “Speak vividly”
The person you’re speaking to can neither see nor touch the products in question. Nor can you create an elaborately designed presentation. So, speak in such a way that your customers can get their own idea of what you are talking about. The best way to do this is to use comparisons from their experience and everyday life. If it fits the conversation, you can also embellish your descriptions with imagery or give specific examples of use.
Step 8: “Stay committed”
Once your customer’s issue is solved, don’t just abruptly end the conversation. Ask them if you can do anything else for them or if there are any more questions. If your customer says no, thank them for calling, wish them a nice day and politely remind them that they can always contact you or your team again. The “last impression” is just as important as the first one, after all.
Now you know what the perfect sales pitch is all about. What are you waiting for? Become a freelance customer service agent in the yoummday community! Sign up today – free of charge and without obligation at yoummday.com!