Work as an agent

Outsourcing made easy with the yoummday talent pool

Worldwide remote working agents

Access 15,000+ remote agents worldwide. Fast and flexible recruitment for every inbound and outbound CX project.

  • 25+ Industries (eg. eCommerce, Telco, IT, Transport)

  • 150+ Skills

  • Scale your team up or down in a matter of hours.

  • Only pay for an agent’s productive time.

The agents – our talents

We prioritise a working environment founded on respect and equality. We offer above-average compensation and a flexible work environment that allows our talents to choose who they work for and when. As a result, they are highly motivated and perform at a level that is far above that of traditional call centre agents.

Happy Talents – Happy Customers

Our talents regularly rate over 60 on the Net Promoter Score, while agents in traditional call centres average -21. yoummday talents are happy and satisfied and deliver world-class interactions for all project types.

yoummday call center agents work flexible from home

yoummday is a lifestyle

Call center agent with sales experience

Most of our talents not only bring relevant industry experience, but they’re also specialists in their field, having held similar positions previously.

From Germany to Mallorca

Carlo worked for many years as a sales manager in a telecommunications company. To improve his work-life balance, he moved to Mallorca and joined yoummday. As a talent, he now uses his experience to support clients in lead generation role.

This is how you work with talents

Call center platform

Access to the yoummday platform and talent pool is 100% free.

  • no long contract negotiations

  • no minimum order is required

  • only the productive talent time is paid

After selecting and training the talents for your project, you can quickly launch your project. The platform contains all the tools you need to operate your virtual call centre, including telephony, shift planning, and quality management.